Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Weakness

OK, I admit it. I'm a sucker for anything scrappy. I'm so weak! I found some really awesome goodies, I just HAD to share! (Case in point)

So first off, for those of you that are scared of scrapbooking or feel overwhelmed by terms like layout, 12x12, two page spreads, etc, this might be of interest to you. Maybe you're scared of the financial investment scrapbooking is. And, true, it can be hefty. It can also be overwhelming. Where do you begin, where do you place things, are you even artistic enough to do it? The answer is yes, you can, and work from your heart! There's no right or wrong way to do things! ANything that spills from your heart onto a piece of paper, a quilting square, that scarf you're knitting, or the embroidery you're working on, is a masterpiece. Don't feel like you can't do it. Because truthfully, I think that's a cop out. You can do whatever you put your mind to.

Now that I've gotten off my soapbox, I have a really cool alternate path to the type of scrapbooking that you see me doing, and the projects that I typically share with you. This way of scrapbooking is actually new to me- I've only recently come across this method, and I think its ingenious. I don't know how else to put it. Its just plain in.gen.ious! Maybe its worth a shot, to gently ease yourself into a newfound and newly LOVED hobby!

Take your typical every day photo album. Take the inserts with two, four or more spaces for photos, and place as many or as little photos as you'd like into the sleeves. Either embellish on top of the plastic, right on the photo itself (in the negative spaces) or save some of the photo spaces for sheets of colored paper or patterned paper to dress up a little. The possibilities are endless!

I'm thinking of sharing this technique with my mom. She's convinced she can't do it. Well, now I'm armed with proof that SHE CAN!!!! And, so can you! Check this link out for a small visual of what I'm talking about. How simple and fabulous is that?!

Does it take a little bit of the apprehension out of you?

If scrapbooking seriously isn't your bag of beans, but some of the patterned paper you see you think would make fabulous fabric, maybe checking this out would be of interest to you. If you're a person that enjoys sewing. Or, why not combine the two- scrap a little AND sew using the same patterned paper you're in love with, but with the fabric version instead? I actually think its a pretty wild and smart notion, too. Some people's creativity just blows my mind!!

Here's a really fun way to add some texture and understated bling to the banner you're going to put on your next layout. This is so neat--must try!!!

Oooh! Have a look at these beautiful flowers, made by my friend MelissaW, over at Sheer, incredible, enviable talent!

Lastly, I mentioned on my FB page that the next time you're out and about shopping up the local Dollarama or Dollar Store with more, you should check out the scrapbooking goodies in stock. Seriously, you should. I have to admit, I am incredibly impressed with the stock they are producing these days! I'll get a picture posted in the next couple of days of some of the goodies I picked up today, but who would have thought that they'd have wooden thread spools in varying sizes hanging on the shelf, or the new hot fad WASHI TAPE??! (Don't know what washi tape is? Essentially, its paper tape, but patterned and decorative and incredibly pretty. See here.) Moreover, I'm equally as impressed with the brand Sandy Lion. They are obviously doing what they can to keep up with the big manufacturing companies out there. Not only are they still producing the typical run of the mill stickers that kids have fun playing with, they are also beefing up their sticker arsenal with prettier, more decorative, variegated styles of stickers- that are GREAT for scrapbooking. Sandy Lion has WASHI TAPE! I picked two rolls up today, and I can hardly wait to try them out! (I also had to pick up some more acrylic paint. I love that stuff! I want one of every colour).

So, now that I got that out of my system, I can enjoy the rest of my weekend! Heh heh

It turns out Kyle's job tomorrow is now cancelled (for the time being), so we are planning dinner with just us and the kids. I'm going to make some delicious dinner buns that I found scouring Pinterest (thank you, Pinterest!!), and we're going to try a new chicken recipe out for supper. Apparently, we hit the grocery store too late on Easter-eve to buy a turkey breast. Meh, oh well! Chicken tastes just as good! I also got a cake made, with the kids help today, so we'll get that all iced up and ready to go tomorrow, too!

Now, the only question is yellow icing or green?!

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